McLuhan Studies Premiere Issue
McLuhan Studies: Premiere Issue
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Editors :
Francesco Guardiani
Eric McLuhan

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Premiere Issue : Table of Contents

Francesco Guardiani & Eric McLuhan
Empson, Frye, and Wimsatt
Marshall McLuhan
Le McLuhanisme, Pure et Simple
Eric McLuhan
Barrington Nevitt, 19082995
Michael Edmunds
Reviewing the Reviews:
Laws of Media and the Critics
Francesco Guardiani
The War Within the Word:
McLuhan's History of the Trivium
Bill Kuhns
Writing on McLuhan's Life and Works
Philip Marchand
And the Four Animals
Sheila Watson
The Haptic Sense
Ken Johnstone
Eco's Prophetic Vision of Mass Culture
Rocco Capozzi
On the Ezra Pound / Marshall McLuhan Correspondence
Edwin J. Barton
The Common Ground of McLuhan and Frye
Francesco Guardiani
Transmedial Migrations:
Italian Literature Transformed and Transported
Amilcare A. Iannucci
William Blake and the Origins of Postmodernity
Renato Barilli
Joyce's Dubliners as Epiphanies
Francesca Valente
The Act of Speaking
Jaques Lusseyran
Howard Wetzel
By the Mirror
Joanne Tod
Joanne Tod's Eloquent Enigmas
Francesco Guardiani

In the Kitchen Decoration Knows No Bounds Self Portrait
Self Portrait as a Prostitute
A Pictorial

Gallery of

Nine Images

Five to Twelve
Woman of Colour Where am I?
Flag for a State of Perpetual Motion On Line

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Updated on July 9, 1998.