We had intended to reach you through this medium, but it happened sooner than we expected. We present the second issue of this journal (the first being on paper), where we have been stuck for quite some time, unwilling to beg for government money, and uncomfortable with business support. The WEB came to our rescue, logically, sensibly, forcefully, and smoothly. Quite frankly, we don't know where it is going to lead us:everything in this "page" is explorative and new, enticing and tentative.With a black and white scanner, an editorial team of two, and a net domain open to the electric world, we plan on probing its ground, recognizing its circuits, and mapping its patterns. Our certainty and our impetus come from the work of Marshall McLuhan. There is no need to restate the strength and potential of McLuhan's ideas today: WIRED magazine invokes his "holy" patronage, his books continue to be re-issued, and new books about him appear with increasing frequency. Our purpose with this journal is twofold: to present some of his previously unpublished material in each issue (not simply to honor his memory, but to show its heuristic effectiveness to deal with contemporary issues), and to continue to work along the lines he pursued. Be part of it. Be a media explorer yourself.
Francesco Guardiani | Eric McLuhan |