McLuhan Studies
Home Page

Title Index

The Issues

Author Index
to McLuhan Studies

A - B / C - D / E - F / G / H - I - J / K - L /

M / N - O - P / Q - R / S - T / U - V / W - Z

** F. Guardiani / E. McLuhan / M. McLuhan **

A - B

Barilli, Renato
William Blake and the Origins of Postmodernity

Barton, Edwin J.
On the Ezra Pound / Marshall McLuhan Correspondence

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C - D

Capozzi, Rocco
Eco's Prophetic Vision of Mass Culture

Constantineau, Wayne
Our Affair With The Chair: A Case Study in the Bias of Communication

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E - F

Eco, Umberto
Mac vs DOS

Edmunds, Michael
Barrington Nevitt, 1908-1995

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Guardiani, Francesco
The Common Ground of McLuhan and Frye

Guardiani, Francesco
Introduction (to Premiere Issue)

Guardiani, Francesco
Introduction (to Issue 2)

Guardiani, Francesco
Joanne Tod's Eloquent Enigmas

Guardiani, Francesco
Reviewing the Reviews: Laws of Media

Old and New, Modern and Postmodern:
Baroque and Neobaroque
Guardiani, Francesco

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H - I - J

Iannucci, Amilcare A
Transmedial Migrations: Italian Literature Transformed and Transported

Jingye, Li & Yuqin, Zhao
Outlaws on the Marsh on TV and in Print

Johnstone, Ken
The Haptic Sense

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K - L

Kuhns, Bill
Reviewing the Reviews: Giordano Bruno and Marshall McLuhan

Kuhns, Bill
The War Within the Word: McLuhan's History of the Trivium

Logan, Bob & Waxman, Al
An Electronic Monument to Marshall McLuhan : Recapturing Canadian Identity

Lusseyran, Jaques
The Act of Speaking

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McLuhan, Eric
Francis Bacon's Theory of Communication and Media

McLuhan, Eric
Introduction (to Issue 3)

McLuhan, Eric
The Lost Introduction for Laws of Media: The New Science

McLuhan, Eric
Le McLuhanisme, Pure et Simple

McLuhan, Eric
The source of the term, "Global Village"

Francis Bacon's Theory of Communication and Media
McLuhan, Eric

McLuhan, Marshall
The Agenbite of Outwit

McLuhan, Marshall
Empson, Frye, and Wimsatt

McLuhan, Marshall
Reading and the Future of Private Identity

Marchand, Philip
Writing on McLuhan's Life and Works

Asceticism and the Electronic Media
McDonald, Hugh

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N - O - P

Porrovecchio, Joseph
Electronic Text: Print as a Metaphor

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Q - R

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S - T

Strate, Lance
Media Transcendence

Taylor, James
Editing for the electronic age

Tod, Joanne
By the Mirror

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U - V

Valente, Francesca
Joyce's Dubliners as Epiphanies

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W - Z

Watson, Sheila
And the Four Animals

Waxman, Al & Logan, Bob
An Electronic Monument to Marshall McLuhan : Recapturing Canadian Identity

Wetzel, Howard

Yuqin, Zhao & Jingye, Li
Outlaws on the Marsh on TV and in Print

Xinghua, Ding
Cognitive Power of Chinese Characters and their Influence on Ancient Chinese Science and Technology

Xiong, Chengyu
Digital and Humanistic Issues in Communication

Zingrone, Frank
Chaos and the Meaning of Electric Culture

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Updated on February 16th, 1999.