McLuhan Studies : Issue 3

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Introduction to

the Third Electronic Edition of

McLuhan Studies

Welcome, reader, to the fourth issue of the academic journal, McLuhan Studies and to its third electronic embodiment.

Recent events involving Marshall McLuhan's work

As mentioned in the Introduction to Issue 2, the ongoing interest in Marshall McLuhan, his interests, and his work is revealed by reports and discussions that appear in numerous press articles and internet sites. New ones appear almost daily.

There have lately been a few dissertations on McLuhan and his work. We will report these as they come to our notice, and we will keep an open file for referencing books, articles, videos, and so on concerning, in whole or in part, Marshall McLuhan and his work.

Items of interest to our readers:
McLuhan in Print
1. Dissertations 2. Books 3. Reissues and New Translations
McLuhan on Film
McLuhan and Academia
Electric Language: Understanding the Present Table of Contents Recent Conferences
1. The Legacy of McLuhan: A Symposium PROGRAM / PARTICIPANTS
2. International Conference on the Effects of Media PROGRAM

Note:We would appreciate knowing about the most useful or interesting of new items from you, our readers, and will publish references in this column in each forthcoming issue. Any that you can supply and forward to us will be greatly appreciated and duly noted.

McLuhan in Print


The Heat and the Light of Marshall McLuhanóA 1990s Reappraisal . Liss Jeffreys (McGill University, Montreal, 1997).


The Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology and the Arts. Richard A. Lanham. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1993. ISBN: 0-226-46883-6
Plans are in-the-works to publish a multi-volume critical edition of the complete WORKS of Marshall McLuhan (Routledge, England). More as this develops.
McLuhan for Beginners.W. Terrence Gordon (the biographer). Illustrations by Susan Willmarth. Writers' and Readers' Publishing, Inc., NY. 1997. ISBN: 0-86316-Trade 231-2
Media Research, Technology. Art, Communication (essays by Marshall McLuhan). Edited with a commentary by Michael A. Moos. Amsterdam: Overseas Publishers Association, 1997. ISBN: 90-5701-081-X
The Role of Thunder in Finnegans Wake. Eric McLuhan. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997. ISBN: 0-8020-0923-9

Reissues and New Translations

Laws of Media: the New Science. Late in 1995, a Bulgarian translation appeared. Several other translations are in the works at the time of writing.
Random House has reissued (Summer, 1998) an updated version of Philip Marchand's biography of Marshall McLuhan, The Medium and the Messenger.
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Who was Marshall McLuhan? Barrington Nevitt with Maurice McLuhan. Stoddart. ISBN: 0-7737-57686. Paperback $19.995. First published in 1994 by Comprehensivists Publications and subsequently by Stoddarts in 1995.

McLuhan on Film


On McLuhan's life and work, by David Sobelman (Toronto).

Videos -- TheVideo McLuhan

The Video McLuhan is the most complete video record available of Marshall McLuhan. For the first time, view all of McLuhan's major ideas as he himself expressed them on camera. Rare archival footage of McLuhan, never before available to the public, from the 1940s to the late 1970s Written and narrated by best-selling author Tom Wolfe; produced by filmmaker Stephanie McLuhan-Ortved. Watch McLuhan handleóand be handled byó"experts" like Malcolm Muggeridge, Norman Mailer, Robert Fulford, Tom Brokaw, David Frost, Gilbert Seldes, Frank Kermode, and Woody Allen.

The Video McLuhan, appropriate for both in-class viewing and independent study, consists of six VHS cassettes of 40 to 50 minutes each. It is sold ONLY AS A SET.

URL: Email:

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McLuhan and Academia

Renewed interest in academic circles: the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto presents courses featuring his work; numerous colleges and universities in Canada and the US offer other courses in McLuhan's work. (Note to readers; we would be happy to list here in future issues any courses that you tell us about.)

A high school in Toronto is to be named after Marshall McLuhan. Further details in next issue.
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Electric Language: Understanding the Present

Electric Language: Understanding the Present by Eric McLuhan, a follow-up to Laws of Media that takes the study to the new media of the last decade or two and up to the brink of the millennium. Designed (i.e., illuminated, not illustrated) by Malcolm Waddell. Publishers Stoddart: Summer, 1998.

ISBN: 0-7737-5972-7 Simultaneously published in the USA by St. Martin's Press.
For more information see Table of Contents

To order direct from publisher, contact the publisher, Stoddart, the same as published our Essential McLuhan and Terry Gordon's fine biography of Marshall. The person there most likely to help is the publicist assigned to the book, Lesley Horlick.

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Recent Conferences

THE LEGACY OF MCLUHAN: A SYMPOSIUM was held on March 27th and 28th at Fordham University, New York City. Organized by Lance Strate, with help from Robin Andersen, Susan Barnes, Joseph Dembo, and Edward Wachtel, the event was part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University. Approximately 300 people were in attendance as scholars, media professionals, and artists discussed Marshall McLuhan and his work. (He and his team had taught there in 1967-8, thirty years earlier.)

The overwhelming consensus was that the symposium was a great success. The sense of enthusiasm and optimism that pervaded the event was a welcome relief from typical academic and professional conferences. You might say there was a touch of the 60s in the air.

For more information on the PROGRAM

For information on the PARTICIPANTS

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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE EFFECTS OF MEDIA, at the Harbin Institute of technology, Harbin, People's Republic of China, from May 10-14, 1998. The conference was organized by the Foreign Languages Department of the Institute and jointly sponsored by The Harbin Institute of Technology, the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, at the University of Toronto (Canada), and CVS/CC, China Central TV.

Participants came to Harbin from places as far distant as Japan, Canada, and Singapore. The intention of the conference was twofold. First, to begin and to establish the study of media in modern China. Second, to provide a first forum for the interchange of information about media in cultures around the world by participants in the newly-formed McLuhan Program International. (More about MPI to come soon.)

The papers covered the full range of media and effects, from a study of the effect of introducing the telephoneófor the first timeóinto two small villages, to the most recent invasions of internet and multimedia and their effects on teaching language and on the Chinese character. Several papers from the proceedings are included in this issue of McLuhan Studies, and several more will appear in subsequent issues.

For more information on the PROGRAM

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