McLuhan Studies : Issue 3

Intro to Issue 2

The Medium and the Light

Table of Contents

  1. Conversion
    1. G. K. Chesterton: a practical mystic (Dalhousie Review, vol. 15 (1936),pp. 455-64)
    2. Two Letters to Elsie McLuhan (1935 and 1936)
    3. Letters to Corinne Lewis (1939)


  2. The Church's Understanding of the Media
    1. Communication ... (published by St Michael's College, University of Toronto, Annual Seminarian's Conference, 29-31 August, 1959, pages 9-22)
    2. First Conversation with Pierre Babin
    3. Introduction to The De-Romanization of the American Catholic Church, by Edward Wakin and Fr. Joseph Scheuer, New American Library / Plume Book, 1970, pages xi-xiii.
    4. Futurechurch: Edward Wakin interviews Marshall McLuhan (U. S. Catholic, vol. 42, No. 1, January, 1977, pages 6-11)
    5. Two letters to Walter Ong, S. J. (1944 and 1954)
    6. Letter to J. W. Mole, O. M. I. (1969)
    7. Letter to Jacques Maritain (1969)
    8. Letter to John Culkin, S. J. (1975)
    9. International Motley and Religious Costume (Christian Communications, Dec., 1972, Issue # 39)
    10. "Ideas on the Church" (Interview by Hubert Hoskins, The Listener, 26 March, 1970)
    11. Letter to Fr. Robert J. Leuver, C. M. F. (July 30, 1969)
    12. Second Conversation with Pierre Babin


  3. Vatican Two, Liturgy, and the Media
    1. The Microphone and the Liturgy (The Critic, Vol. XXXIII, No. 1, Oct./Nov./Dec., 1974, pages 12-17)
    2. Do Americans go to Church to be Alone? (The Critic, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, Jan./Feb., 1973. Mar./April, 1973, pages 14-23; plus addendum, "Some Further Comments on Liturgy and Media" The Critic,Mar./April, 1973, pages 69-70.
    3. Letter to John W. Mole, O. M. I. (1974)
    4. Letter to Frank Sheed (1970)
    5. Third Conversation with Pierre Babin


  4. Tomorrow's Church
    1. Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters (The McAuley Lectures, St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Connecticut, 1954, pages 49-67)
    2. "Wyndham Lewis: Lemuel in Lilliput" (St. Louis University Studies in Honor of St. Thomas Aquinas, Key Thinkers and Modern Thought, Vol. 2, 1944, pages 58-72)
    3. "The God-Making Machines of the Modern World" (review of the book by John Lindberg, Foundation of Social Survival, Columbia, in Commonweal, Vol. LIV, No. 24, March 19, 1954)
    4. Letter to Clement McNaspy, S. J. (1946)
    5. Fourth Conversation with Pierre Babin

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