- Conversion
- G. K. Chesterton: a practical mystic (Dalhousie Review, vol. 15 (1936),pp. 455-64)
- Two Letters to Elsie McLuhan (1935 and 1936)
- Letters to Corinne Lewis (1939)
The Church's Understanding of the Media
- Communication ... (published by St Michael's College, University of Toronto, Annual Seminarian's Conference, 29-31 August, 1959, pages 9-22)
- First Conversation with Pierre Babin
- Introduction to The De-Romanization of the American Catholic Church, by Edward Wakin and Fr. Joseph Scheuer, New American Library / Plume Book, 1970, pages xi-xiii.
- Futurechurch: Edward Wakin interviews Marshall McLuhan (U. S. Catholic, vol. 42, No. 1, January, 1977, pages 6-11)
- Two letters to Walter Ong, S. J. (1944 and 1954)
- Letter to J. W. Mole, O. M. I. (1969)
- Letter to Jacques Maritain (1969)
- Letter to John Culkin, S. J. (1975)
- International Motley and Religious Costume (Christian Communications, Dec., 1972, Issue # 39)
- "Ideas on the Church" (Interview by Hubert Hoskins, The Listener, 26 March, 1970)
- Letter to Fr. Robert J. Leuver, C. M. F. (July 30, 1969)
- Second Conversation with Pierre Babin
Vatican Two, Liturgy, and the Media
- The Microphone and the Liturgy (The Critic, Vol. XXXIII, No. 1, Oct./Nov./Dec., 1974, pages 12-17)
- Do Americans go to Church to be Alone? (The Critic, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, Jan./Feb., 1973. Mar./April, 1973, pages 14-23; plus addendum, "Some Further Comments on Liturgy and Media" The Critic,Mar./April, 1973, pages 69-70.
- Letter to John W. Mole, O. M. I. (1974)
- Letter to Frank Sheed (1970)
- Third Conversation with Pierre Babin
Tomorrow's Church
- Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters (The McAuley Lectures, St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Connecticut, 1954, pages 49-67)
- "Wyndham Lewis: Lemuel in Lilliput" (St. Louis University Studies in Honor of St. Thomas Aquinas, Key Thinkers and Modern Thought, Vol. 2, 1944, pages 58-72)
- "The God-Making Machines of the Modern World" (review of the book by John Lindberg, Foundation of Social Survival, Columbia, in Commonweal, Vol. LIV, No. 24, March 19, 1954)
- Letter to Clement McNaspy, S. J. (1946)
- Fourth Conversation with Pierre Babin