McLuhan Studies : Issue 3

Intro to Issue 2
Understanding McLuhan

What's On the Disk?


This section allows you to experience multimedia presentations of eight of McLuhan's main topics—core ideas which are essential to understanding his main work.

McLuhan On—

Experience McLuhan for yourself: video and audio clips on every imaginable topic, from go-go dancers to the breakdown of the nuclear family.

On McLuhan—

Video clips and real transcripts of contemporary media thinkers discussing, acclaiming, and criticizing McLuhan's ideas.

Figure and Ground

A biography traces the development of McLuhan's ideas and major influences. Filled with never-before-published family photos as well as video and audio clips marking highlights of McLuhan's life and career.

Text in context

Complete texts of the most-read books, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man and The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. Both can be easily searched by subject so you can dip in and out as you discover McLuhan's different ideas.

McLuhan Live

Hear him via. his favorite medium, the spoken word, in this two-hour lecture taped in 1978, where he delivers his message about the media and how they affect our lives.

McLuhan Mosaic

A thorough bibliography for the serious McLuhan scholar who wants to read more. A listing of books, articles, TV and radio programs by and about McLuhan.


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