Re: technical stuff

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Posted by Joseph Porrovecchio on September 27, 1998 at 15:48:28:

In Reply to: technical stuff posted by Francesco Guardiani on June 16, 1998 at 19:48:02:

: Joe,
: the searchable index doesn't seem to work
: Can you check it out.
: Cheers,
: Francesco

Ciao francesco,

I am in the process of accomodating the new deisng of the
the web site with the same search functionality
as we had on the site.

There are no major technical problems in the implementation
of the search tool. The delay is having to work with
the tight security on chass. That is, I'ver had to
re-think the structure of the search tool accomodate
the Chass Web Server. Of which we have less control than
the ICGC server.

I expect to have the search tool completed by middle october.
I will discuss the with Marg so she can accomodate the search tool into
further issues.


Joseph Porrovecchio
Mcluhan Studies Admin.

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